About jingang
Brief introduction
Company history
Board president

Enterprise strategic coal
High Quality. Be Competitive. Rapid Development. Aim at the World


Respect Honest and Win-win

Make customers satisfied. Make employees happy. Make contribution to society 

Be honest. Be realistic. Be creative. Be dedicated

A better enterprise. Happy employees 

High Quality. Be Competitive. Rapid Development. Aim at the World

Jngang giant------- Jingang is a giant (in Chinese), and is a gem in metals, hammered and escapes disasters;
Jingang has the wisdom of a giant, blowing the horn of enterprise innovation;
It reveals the confidence of Jingang people that "Work hard, and constantly strive to be stronger";
It contains the ideals and pursuit of Jingang people that " Let more customers get benefits from Jingang products";
It demonstrates the image and heroic feelings of Jingang people t that "Possess royal qualities. Aim at the world."

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